Do you bite your nails? Here are 5 good reasons to stop.

girl-biting-nailsYou know you should brush and floss twice a day, and visit your dentist twice a year, for optimal oral health.
Do you also know you should stop bad habits such as nail biting? Nail biting, also known as onychophagia, is a so-called nervous habit that can be triggered by boredom, stress, or excitement. Nail biting might seem like a harmless habit, but it can do more damage than you may think to your teeth.
It’s estimated that nearly half of all children between the ages of 10 and 18 have been nail biters at one time or another in their lives. Sixty percent of children and 45 percent of teenagers bite their nails, while 30 percent of adults do; however, most people stop chewing their nails by the time they reach the age of 30.
The main problem with nail biting is that it concentrates tremendous force in one particular location. This impact can cause damage, such as tooth fractures, chipped teeth and broken restorations. This force can also damage the jawbone, so it’s important for parents to help their children to stop their nail biting habit.
Here are 5 very good reasons to stop biting your nails (from an orthodontic and hygiene standpoint):
1. Nail biting wears down teeth. Over time, it can also erode enamel and cause uneven biting surfaces. Biting your nails, and chewing on thing like pens and pencils, means your teeth are constantly at work. These habits put added stress on them because they are being used all day.
2. Nail biting can lead to, or aggravate, temporomandibular disorder, causing jaw pain, headaches and locking of the jaw. Additionally, people who bite their nails are more likely to suffer from bruxism, or grinding of the teeth.
3. Nail biting can damage the roots of your teeth, making them weaker. This is especially true during orthodontic treatment, as nail biting while wearing braces can lead to root resorption. This is when the roots of the teeth get dissolved by the bone around it, causing the teeth to also weaken. That can significantly delay the progress of your orthodontic treatment.
4. Nail biting is unsanitary. No matter how often you wash your hands, your fingernails are still harboring germs. Biting your nails introduces new germs to your mouth, and can cause illness.
5. Nail biting can be an expensive habit. It can, literally, cost you money. The Academy of General Dentistry in the United States estimates that up to $4,000 in extra dental bills can build up over a lifetime of nail biting.
Dr. Horner and Dr. Barrow and the team at Horner Barrow Orthodontics recommend the following tips to help you kick your nail biting habit:
• Trim your fingernails. Keep the nails short by filing them, and trim the cuticles as well. If your nails are short, there will be less nail to bite. If you do find yourself biting a nail, stop right away and file the nail to not only shorten it, but to also file away any ragged edges.
• If stress causes you to bite, try breathing exercises or another calming exercise to relieve stress.
• Paint your fingernails with a bitter-tasting nail polish to help you keep your fingers out of your mouth.
• Treat yourself to a manicure on a regular basis. The monetary investment in having a beautiful set of nails might discourage you from damaging them, making you less inclined to bite your nails.
• Ask us about getting fitted for a mouthguard, which can help prevent nail biting.
• Put a rubber band around your wrist and snap it whenever you get the urge to chew on your fingernails.
• Think about when and why you bite your fingernails. Whether you are nervous, anxious or just bored, understanding your triggers can help you find a solution to finally stop the habit once and for all.
• If all else fails, do an online search for photos of the bacteria that live under your fingernails. Thinking about the dirt and grime that you ingest when you bite your nails might be enough to make you quit.
It’s important for parents to find a way to help their child break the habit before real damage is done. For adults who bite their nails, it’s important to quit and be sure to visit a dentist regularly to catch and repair any damage before it becomes too serious.
Just remember that nail biting isn’t the only bad habit that can damage the teeth. If you stop nail biting, be sure not to replace it with something else, like chewing on the end of a pen or pencil, which still creates the same effect as biting your nails.
For strong, healthy teeth, avoiding chewing on ice, don’t brush your teeth too aggressively, and don’t consciously grind your teeth. Teeth should never be used as a tool; if you’re having problems opening a package, use a pair of scissors instead of ripping it open with your teeth.
During the course of a day, your teeth can take a beating. It’s important to remember that your teeth should be used only for chewing food, and during the rest of the day, they need to rest. If you are concerned about damage that may have been caused by nail biting, or another bad habit, call our Sioux Falls, SD office today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Horner or Dr. Barrow.
So, are you ready to kick that nail biting habit? You’ll be glad you did, and you’ll be doing your teeth and your overall health a big favor!

Playing it Safe this Spring Sports Season


It’s spring! That means the start of a new sports season. It also means it’s once again time to remind our patients at Horner Barrow Orthodontics to protect their faces, and their precious smiles while out on the field playing sports. According to the National Youth Sports Safety Foundation, young children, middle school and high-school athletes and adults have more than 5,000,000 teeth knocked out in sporting events annually. That’s a LOT of displaced teeth.
If you are going to be participating in any spring sports, it’s very important to have a properly fitting mouthguard as part of your essential equipment. Mouthguards can prevent cracked, chipped or broken teeth, lip and cheek injuries, jawbone fractures, mouth lacerations, and sometimes, even concussions.
Just remember, the only way a mouthguard will work is if you actually wear it, during practice and during a game! Wearing a mouthguard can make the difference between losing your teeth or not. One thing for our patients who play high school sports to keep in mind is this: your mouthguard from last year may no longer fit as it should because your jawbone is still growing and changing. Dr. Kevin Horner, Dr. Keri Barrow, and our team at Horner Barrow Orthodontics would be happy to fit you for a new mouthguard.
To learn more about mouthguards, or for any other questions you may have about your orthodontic treatment, please give us a call at our Sioux Falls, SD office!

It’s Time for Spring Cleaning…for your Teeth!

cherryblossomgirlMany people here in Sioux Falls, SD, see March as the start of spring-cleaning season. It’s time to wash the curtains and windows, clean out the cabinets and closets, get your flower beds and gardens in order, and schedule your next dentist/orthodontist appointment. Say what? Yes, spring is the perfect time to re-think your oral care regimen. Why not, since you’re already in the swing of spring cleaning!
Here are six things you can do to include your oral health in your spring-cleaning routine:
1. Call now to schedule your next dentist or orthodontist appointment, or both. Having your 6-month teeth cleaning this spring will help you feel refreshed, and will get your smile ready for spring holidays, upcoming graduations, confirmations, weddings; every wonderful life event that is on your calendar. Tell your orthodontist if you’ve noticed a change in your bite or the alignment of your teeth. If you have children, this could be the right time to schedule their first orthodontic consultation with Dr. Kevin Horner or Dr. Keri Barrow.
2. Replace that old toothbrush. The American Dental Association recommends that you replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months, so toss that old toothbrush and treat yourself to a fresh, new toothbrush for the fresh, new season!
3. Resolve to include a new habit in your daily oral care routine. Try to be more diligent about regular flossing, be sure to brush your teeth after every meal, or start using mouthwash on a regular basis. See our recipe for DIY mouthwash here.
4. Thoroughly clean your orthodontic appliances and equipment: your retainer, mouth guard, headgear, and don’t forget the cases that hold those items. Denture cleaning tablets, white vinegar, and baking soda can all help make the “spring” cleaning process easier, and all of them are very effective, and safe, cleaning agents.
5. Be sure to add more calcium and vitamin D to your diet. Adding healthy foods rich in these nutrients to your diet will help to strengthen your teeth, and are important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Low-fat dairy products, spinach, and eggs are all great foods to include in your diet.
6. Drink more water. For overall better health, drink more water. Keeping your body properly hydrated will give you more energy and will help your whole body function better. Water also works as a mild mouthwash, and helps promote better digestion.

At Horner Barrow Orthodontics, we want to help you (and your smile) be the best you can be. We thank you for trusting us with your orthodontic care.

It’s Almost Spring…Time For Your New Beautiful Smile!

ss 35344219 smGoodbye winter! Spring is just around the corner. We’re all ready for that wonderful seasonal change from cold, blustery, dreary days to blue skies, blooming flowers, singing birds, and warmer weather. This spring could also be the start of a straighter, healthier, more beautiful smile for you!

Have you ever thought about how your mouth would benefit from orthodontic treatment? With spring just days away, we here at Horner Barrow Orthodontics hope that you’ll see the new season as a fresh start for your dental health!

If you’ve been curious about how your smile could benefit from braces, wonder no more! Braces have the ability to positively impact all aspects of your life; your social life, your career, and your overall feeling of inner confidence. Spring is THE BEST TIME to take that first step towards feeling better about yourself!
If you’re interested in learning more about how your life will benefit from seeking orthodontic treatment, call today to schedule your first consultation with Dr. Kevin Horner or Dr. Keri Barrow.
We are committed to delivering excellent quality orthodontic treatment to each and every patient that comes to our Sioux Falls, SD office. We provide a friendly, caring, and pleasant atmostphere that will ensure you feel relaxed and confident about placing your orthodontic care in our hands.
At Horner Barrow Orthodontics, we look forward to making your dreams of a beautiful new smile come true, starting this spring!

What is a water pik? Do I need one?

Water piks (also known as oral irrigators) are a great addition to your regular oral health care routine of brushing and flossing. An especially helpful tool for those folks who suffer from periodontal disease (gingivitis) and for our patients in orthodontic treatment with full braces, water piks use tiny, but powerful bursts of water to dislodge bits of food, bacteria, and other yucky debris hiding in the nooks and crannies of your mouth. Patients in orthodontic treatment may find using a water pik helpful if their toothbrush bristles tend to get caught on the wires or brackets.

When you use a water pik, you’re not only dislodging any particles or debris and bacteria you might have missed when brushing, you are also gently massaging your gums, which helps promote blood flow in the gums, keeping them healthy. Do keep in mind, however, that while water piks are an excellent addition to your daily fight against gingivitis and other periodontal diseases, they are NOT capable of completely removing plaque. That’s why Dr. Horner and Dr. Barrow and the team at Horner Barrow Orthodontics want to remind you to keep brushing and flossing every day, and to continue to see your family dentist every six months for your regular dental checkups.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums and find it uncomfortable to floss daily, a water pik can be a good way to reduce discomfort while effectively cleaning between teeth. Diabetics sometimes prefer water piks to flossing because they don’t cause bleeding of the gums, which can be a problem when using floss. If you have a permanent bridge, crowns, or other type of dental restoration, you may also find that using a water pik helps you keep the area around the restorations clean.

How do you choose the right water pik for you?

Water piks are available for home or portable use. The home models are larger and use standard electrical outlets, while the portable versions use batteries. Aside from the size difference, they work in essentially the same way, both using pulsating water streams. A more critical difference in water piks is the ability to adjust the water pressure. Most home models will let you choose from several pressure settings, which can be very important, depending on how sensitive your teeth and gums are. Most portable versions have only one pressure setting. If you want to use mouthwash or a dental rinse in your water pik, first check the label. Some water piks recommend using water only.

Please give us a call at our Sioux Falls, SD office if you have any questions about water piks. You can also ask Dr. Horner or Dr. Barrow about them during your next visit.

A Beautiful Smile With Orthodontic Treatment. It’s Never Too Late.

For many years, people associated braces with teenagers. But thanks to modern advances in orthodontic technology and treatment, that perception is quickly changing. Today, 20% of orthodontic patients (or, one in five) are adults, and that number is growing every day. Why? Because more and more people are realizing that your smile (healthy or not-so-healthy) can have an impact your career, your relationships, and your overall health.

How Much Can You Learn In 30 Seconds?
We know it seems shallow, but we can’t help making assumptions about people based on a first impression. It’s just our human nature. In fact, many studies estimate that it takes under 30 seconds (possibly even as little as seven) to form our first impression of someone. During those few short seconds, we guesstimate how healthy, how popular, and how happy someone is. And, in spite what romantic comedies may lead us to believe, that first impression usually stays with us.

Appealing, Modern Orthodontic Options Are Available
Another reason for the increase in adult patients is the fact that orthodontic technology has come a long way. Treatment is more comfortable, more aesthetically pleasing (and, in some cases, virtually invisible), and faster than ever before. Folks reluctant to revisit those awkward teenage years can now get the beautiful, straight smile they want without compromising.

It’s Definitely Not Too Late
If you missed out on having braces as a teenager, or if your teeth have shifted later in life, please, don’t hesitate to ask us about adult orthodontics. The benefits of a healthy, straight smile will last a lifetime. It’s never too late to get a smile that you’re proud to show off!

Thank you for placing your trust in us here at Horner Barrow Orthodontics. We truly do appreciate it.

Laughter And Your New, Beautiful Smile…Making The World A Better Place

2212662bracesladyWe’re honored to be your orthodontic care provider. Thank you for placing your trust in us. That beautiful, new smile that we’re working to create for you will serve you well throughout your life. Most of us don’t think too often about smiling or laughing—because they usually happen spontaneously. However, they both really do make us and those around us feel better, and studies continue to reveal more of their many benefits.
• Smiling Can Evoke Trust
A recent study published in the Journal of Economic Psychology found that people may be as much as 10% more willing to trust someone who smiles.
• Smiling May Increase Your Net Worth
Some economists suggest that smiles could actually have real, monetary value! Another study found that smiling waitresses earn more tips (which only makes sense, right?).
• Smiling Lightens Your Mood And Those Around You
We all know that life is full of ups and downs, good days and bad days. Smiling can help reduce those distressing emotions and be an invaluable tool in helping us to move forward with our heads held high. Equally important, smiles and laughter can help calm and comfort those around us.
• Smiling May Help You Look Younger! (And Who Doesn’t Want To Look Younger?)
That mystical, elusive fountain of youth may not be found in surgeries or potions, but rather, a study suggests that the key to looking younger may be found through our smiles.
We’re delighted to work with you on your awesome smile!
In addition to being your orthodontic partner, we at Horner Barrow Orthodontics are concerned about your total health and well-being. We know that some people don’t enjoy the benefits of smiling and laughing because they’re embarrassed or self-conscious about their teeth. Do you have a friend or relative who could benefit from a more beautiful, healthy smile? If so, we’d be happy to talk with them.
Thanks for sharing our practice (and our blog) with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. We appreciate your kind referrals!

Your Beautiful Smile…Your Best Job-Hunting Asset

Job Seeker

We all know that real relationships develop over time. But there are certain times when an incredible first impression goes a long way. One of those times is when you’re  interviewing for a new job to advance your career.

50% Of Interviewers Will Remember Your Smile…Only 9% Will Remember Your Clothes

A recent study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry suggests that half of the adults surveyed will definitely remember other people’s smiles after having been introduced to them. That’s much more than the 9% who will remember a new acquaintance’s clothing. Your smile will certainly impress much more than any outfit you are wearing.

A Brighter Smile Could Mean A Higher Starting Salary

Your smile can have a direct impact on your career opportunities. A 2012 study found that people with straight teeth are more likely to be perceived as smart and happy. Even more significantly, about 3 in 4 people said that they’re more likely to trust someone with straight teeth—a very important factor when it comes to professional opportunities.

What Will People Remember About Your Smile?

While it may not seem fair, most people make assumptions based on someone’s smile. The beauty is that, armed with knowledge (and a really great orthodontist), YOU can take charge of the way people perceive you in professional situations such as interviews.

Make A Memorable Impression So They’ll Want To Get To Know You Better

Making a really good first impression gives you the opportunity to let the “real” you come through. After all, that’s the most important part. Here’s some additional job hunting advice:

It’s All About Confidence, Not Perfection!

The most important aspect of a great smile isn’t whether or not you have perfectly straight teeth, or a perfect smile. It’s all about the confidence your smile brings. If there’s anything making you self-conscious about your smile, please talk with us. We can create a treatment plan just for you.

Thank you so much for trusting Horner Barrow Orthodontics with your healthy smile. Good luck in your new job search!

5 Easy Ways To Unleash The Power Of Your Smile

2 smiling sisters

Your smile is one of your most important assets. But, your smile doesn’t have to be a dazzling, perfect, “movie star” smile for you to unleash its power. Whether you’re considering orthodontic treatment, have just finished with it, or are currently wearing braces, think about how powerful your smile is right now.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice
Life’s too short to skip those little things that make you happy. Smile more. Smile and laugh, a lot. Don’t hide your smile because you’re self-conscious about wearing braces! Invite people to share in the things that make you smile. Your smile will encourage others to smile. Smiling can become a habit. Always seize the opportunity to smile.

2. Be Conscious Of The Smile/Emotion Connection
A poet once said, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” Many times, we only think about the way positive emotions bring out smiles, but it works the other way too. Smiles bring out positive emotions. They can even help us better cope with stress or pain.

3. Forget That Half-Hearted Smile
Make a concerted effort to replace that half-hearted smile given in politeness with a genuine smile. You can do it. Again, practice makes perfect!

4. Remember… Your Smile Makes You More Attractive
A study of 5,000+ single people recently found that both men and women (58% and 71%, respectively) judge the opposite sex MOST (and FIRST) on the appearance of their teeth. Smiles do invite and strengthen relationships.

5. Your Healthy Smile. Take Good Care Of It!
Treat your smile with the good care it deserves. You’ve already taken a great first step with orthodontic treatment. Remember to always brush and floss daily, and schedule regular checkups with your dentist.

We Love To See You Smile!
Some estimates say that 30% of the general population is so unhappy with their smiles that they avoid smiling altogether. That’s enough to make anyone sad. If you feel that way about your smile, call Horner Barrow Orthodontics today. We can help you unleash the power of your most valuable asset – YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE!



Why do so many kids and adults in Sioux Falls, South Dakota have braces?

Orthodontic studies report 70 percent of the US population could benefit from having their teeth and jaws realigned with orthodontic treatment.  Over the last 20 years, tooth extractions were all too frequent and large, traditional one-size-fits-all brackets and wires were the standard of care.


Today, technology drives an enhanced level of treatment and impressive results.

Certainly there still remains no substitute for the skill, experience, and education of a well-trained orthodontic practitioner. However, contemporary treatment philosophies are changing the way we treat the vast majority of patients. The improvements in tools and techniques enable us to achieve great results with far less discomfort and in a much shorter treatment time than was ever before possible, thanks to these landmark innovations in modern orthodontics.


Our office uses self-ligating bracket technology. This bracketing system reduces the amount of friction between the bracket and the archwire, and can significantly reduce treatment time. These metal brackets are small in size and more comfortable to wear. In addition, there is no need for elastic ties so good oral hygiene is easier to maintain.


Invisalign® is the best way to transform your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life. You’ll wear each appliance for 2 weeks. The nearly invisible appliances are so easy to wear and to talk with, few people even know they have them on.  Each aligner works to straighten your teeth in small incremental movements, each getting you progressively closer to your new smile.

We welcome you to contact Horner Barrow Orthodontics, to see how we can put these exciting technologies to work for you!