Toothbrushes 101. Manual vs. electric. Is one better than the other?

Some folks would rather mow their lawn with a push mower, drive a stick-shift vehicle, and prefer sailboats to motorboats. When faced with choosing a toothbrush, those same folks would most likely pick the old reliable, dependable, disposable, do-it-yourself manual toothbrush. But what about those people who can’t live without their smartphones, DVRs, and tablet computers? They want the latest and greatest gadgets and gizmos, and are more likely to embrace new technologies.
Personal preference aside, when used properly, both manual and powered (electric) toothbrushes are great options for removing plaque and keeping teeth and gums healthy. So how do you choose the best toothbrush for you?

Here are a few points to consider:
Cost. Electric toothbrushes are definitely more expensive. While high-end options can cost close to $100, you can find some effective powered brushes in the $10 range. Remember to factor in the added cost of batteries and replacement brush heads to your toothbrush budget.
Dexterity. People who have limited manual dexterity, such as very young children, the elderly, or those suffering from injury or arthritis, might find it easier and more effective to reach and clean areas of their mouth with an electric toothbrush.
Oral hygiene habits. If you have a hard time brushing your teeth on a regular basis, and you find you like the feeling of brushing with an electric toothbrush, then you should most definitely use the toothbrush that will encourage you to brush most often.
Perseverance. No matter what kind of toothbrush you ultimately choose, it’s important that you use it properly. While some brushes may require circular motions to be effective (manual brushes) others may require an angled glide over the teeth (power brushes). Brush your teeth two times a day, for two minutes each time. Fully brush the inner, outer and top surface areas of your teeth, and brush all the way down to the gum line. Don’t forget those hard-to-reach areas in the back of your mouth. Please ask your oral hygienist to advise you on optimal brushing techniques considering your toothbrush selection.
Lastly, remember that while brushing and flossing daily will help you maintain good oral health, regular professional cleanings are also vitally important to keeping your teeth and gums in tip-top shape, especially during orthodontic treatment. If you have any questions about brushing habits, please feel free to give us a call. At Horner Barrow Orthodontics, we want to help you have a healthy, beautiful, straight smile for life!

A Beautiful Smile With Orthodontic Treatment. It’s Never Too Late.

For many years, people associated braces with teenagers. But thanks to modern advances in orthodontic technology and treatment, that perception is quickly changing. Today, 20% of orthodontic patients (or, one in five) are adults, and that number is growing every day. Why? Because more and more people are realizing that your smile (healthy or not-so-healthy) can have an impact your career, your relationships, and your overall health.

How Much Can You Learn In 30 Seconds?
We know it seems shallow, but we can’t help making assumptions about people based on a first impression. It’s just our human nature. In fact, many studies estimate that it takes under 30 seconds (possibly even as little as seven) to form our first impression of someone. During those few short seconds, we guesstimate how healthy, how popular, and how happy someone is. And, in spite what romantic comedies may lead us to believe, that first impression usually stays with us.

Appealing, Modern Orthodontic Options Are Available
Another reason for the increase in adult patients is the fact that orthodontic technology has come a long way. Treatment is more comfortable, more aesthetically pleasing (and, in some cases, virtually invisible), and faster than ever before. Folks reluctant to revisit those awkward teenage years can now get the beautiful, straight smile they want without compromising.

It’s Definitely Not Too Late
If you missed out on having braces as a teenager, or if your teeth have shifted later in life, please, don’t hesitate to ask us about adult orthodontics. The benefits of a healthy, straight smile will last a lifetime. It’s never too late to get a smile that you’re proud to show off!

Thank you for placing your trust in us here at Horner Barrow Orthodontics. We truly do appreciate it.

Laughter And Your New, Beautiful Smile…Making The World A Better Place

2212662bracesladyWe’re honored to be your orthodontic care provider. Thank you for placing your trust in us. That beautiful, new smile that we’re working to create for you will serve you well throughout your life. Most of us don’t think too often about smiling or laughing—because they usually happen spontaneously. However, they both really do make us and those around us feel better, and studies continue to reveal more of their many benefits.
• Smiling Can Evoke Trust
A recent study published in the Journal of Economic Psychology found that people may be as much as 10% more willing to trust someone who smiles.
• Smiling May Increase Your Net Worth
Some economists suggest that smiles could actually have real, monetary value! Another study found that smiling waitresses earn more tips (which only makes sense, right?).
• Smiling Lightens Your Mood And Those Around You
We all know that life is full of ups and downs, good days and bad days. Smiling can help reduce those distressing emotions and be an invaluable tool in helping us to move forward with our heads held high. Equally important, smiles and laughter can help calm and comfort those around us.
• Smiling May Help You Look Younger! (And Who Doesn’t Want To Look Younger?)
That mystical, elusive fountain of youth may not be found in surgeries or potions, but rather, a study suggests that the key to looking younger may be found through our smiles.
We’re delighted to work with you on your awesome smile!
In addition to being your orthodontic partner, we at Horner Barrow Orthodontics are concerned about your total health and well-being. We know that some people don’t enjoy the benefits of smiling and laughing because they’re embarrassed or self-conscious about their teeth. Do you have a friend or relative who could benefit from a more beautiful, healthy smile? If so, we’d be happy to talk with them.
Thanks for sharing our practice (and our blog) with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. We appreciate your kind referrals!

Retainer Bugs…Yuck!

Congratulations! You’ve finished your orthodontic treatment, and your braces have been removed. You have been educated about how important wearing your retainer is to ensure your teeth stay in place, and how often you need to wear it.


But there’s one other icky little thing you need to keep in mind is… BUGS! Yes, we said bugs. Tiny microscopic bugs that grow on the bacteria left on your retainer. Improper cleaning can lead to a build-up of microbes on orthodontic retainers (and appliances), as researchers at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute have discovered. Those researchers studied the types of microbes that live on retainers and found that microbes with the potential to cause disease were living on 50% of retainers!

Two microbes in particular were identified; candida and staphylococcus. The bacteria on the retainers live in biofilms; communities of bacteria living together covered in a layer of slime. Once these biofilms form they can be very difficult to remove, and they often have high levels of resistance to antimicrobials. The best advice would be to avoid the formation of the biofilm in the first place.

So what do you need do? To avoid infection of your retainer or plate, and, of course your mouth, be sure to thoroughly clean it before and after wear with your toothbrush and a retainer cleaner such as Retainer Brite or Fresh Guard, which is available at most retailers. You should also wash your hands before and after handling your retainer. Another important thing: Remember to also clean your retainer storage case.

By cleaning your retainer on a regular basis, you can help to eliminate these yucky bugs! If you have any questions about your retainer, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for allowing Horner Barrow Orthodontics to take care of your smile!

Your Beautiful Smile…Your Best Job-Hunting Asset

Job Seeker

We all know that real relationships develop over time. But there are certain times when an incredible first impression goes a long way. One of those times is when you’re  interviewing for a new job to advance your career.

50% Of Interviewers Will Remember Your Smile…Only 9% Will Remember Your Clothes

A recent study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry suggests that half of the adults surveyed will definitely remember other people’s smiles after having been introduced to them. That’s much more than the 9% who will remember a new acquaintance’s clothing. Your smile will certainly impress much more than any outfit you are wearing.

A Brighter Smile Could Mean A Higher Starting Salary

Your smile can have a direct impact on your career opportunities. A 2012 study found that people with straight teeth are more likely to be perceived as smart and happy. Even more significantly, about 3 in 4 people said that they’re more likely to trust someone with straight teeth—a very important factor when it comes to professional opportunities.

What Will People Remember About Your Smile?

While it may not seem fair, most people make assumptions based on someone’s smile. The beauty is that, armed with knowledge (and a really great orthodontist), YOU can take charge of the way people perceive you in professional situations such as interviews.

Make A Memorable Impression So They’ll Want To Get To Know You Better

Making a really good first impression gives you the opportunity to let the “real” you come through. After all, that’s the most important part. Here’s some additional job hunting advice:

It’s All About Confidence, Not Perfection!

The most important aspect of a great smile isn’t whether or not you have perfectly straight teeth, or a perfect smile. It’s all about the confidence your smile brings. If there’s anything making you self-conscious about your smile, please talk with us. We can create a treatment plan just for you.

Thank you so much for trusting Horner Barrow Orthodontics with your healthy smile. Good luck in your new job search!

6 Common Myths About Dental Health

Here’s a dental health myth from yesteryear…in olden times, people believed they could cure a toothache by pounding a nail into an oak tree. Nowadays, we all recognize that this notion is just plain silly!

Today’s dental health myths are different. There are still some silly ideas about teeth and dental health that have very little to do with the facts. While we are not your dental team, Horner Barrow Orthodontics is very invested in the health of you and your smile, and we thought it would be fun to share this information with our patients. Have you ever fallen for one or more of these modern myths? Don’t feel bad if you did…many folks have.

Dental Health Myth 1 – Cavities are caused only by candies and sweets

Technically, cavities are caused by carbohydrates interacting with the bacteria on your teeth to create acid byproducts. Carbohydrates do include sugars, but cavities can just as easily be caused by starchy foods such as bread, crackers, and potato chips, and sticky foods like dried fruits, which can remain on your teeth, and break down into those decay-causing carbs.

Dental Health Myth 2 – Children are more likely to get cavities than adults

Kids are NOT inherently more prone to decay, they’re just not as good at brushing! Teach your child proper, thorough brushing techniques—helping them until they’re proficient enough at it to brush their teeth on their own.

Dental Health Myth 3 – No pain means no cavities, right?

Decay can eat right through enamel and dentin before some people feel it at all! Finding tooth decay early usually allows more of the tooth to be saved, and can save you added discomfort and expense.

Dental Health Myth 4 – I should stop flossing if my gums bleed

That’s a really bad idea. Bleeding gums are often the first sign of gum disease (gingivitis). This occurs when bacterial infections inflame your gums due to a lack of proper, effective cleaning. Sure, floss gently if your gums are sensitive. But, do keep flossing, being thorough and extra diligent! If the bleeding continues, be sure to see your general dentist.

Dental Health Myth 5 – A tooth that’s had restoration work is stronger than ever

No, that’s not always true. One of the biggest risk factors for tooth decay is having had cavities in the past. Dental crowns and fillings are great, but they’re not perfect. They have little imperfections, those nooks and crannies where bacteria can hide, especially as your restorations age. The lesson to be learned? Have your teeth checked regularly to make sure everything is fine.

Dental Health Myth 6 – Braces are for teens only

That’s simply not true anymore. We treat a lot of adults. Many of our adult patients never had the opportunity to straighten their teeth as a teenager, or even if they did have braces, they may find their teeth shifting later in life. In any case, it’s never too late to give yourself a beautiful, confident smile with orthodontic treatment. Everyone, at any age, can benefit from a healthy, straight smile!

Remember, a great weapon against tooth decay is knowledge. If you have questions about any of the ideas above (or other questions) be sure to ask us during your next visit.

Thanks for sharing Horner Barrow Orthodontics with your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. We appreciate the trust you place in us!

5 Easy Ways To Unleash The Power Of Your Smile

2 smiling sisters

Your smile is one of your most important assets. But, your smile doesn’t have to be a dazzling, perfect, “movie star” smile for you to unleash its power. Whether you’re considering orthodontic treatment, have just finished with it, or are currently wearing braces, think about how powerful your smile is right now.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice
Life’s too short to skip those little things that make you happy. Smile more. Smile and laugh, a lot. Don’t hide your smile because you’re self-conscious about wearing braces! Invite people to share in the things that make you smile. Your smile will encourage others to smile. Smiling can become a habit. Always seize the opportunity to smile.

2. Be Conscious Of The Smile/Emotion Connection
A poet once said, “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” Many times, we only think about the way positive emotions bring out smiles, but it works the other way too. Smiles bring out positive emotions. They can even help us better cope with stress or pain.

3. Forget That Half-Hearted Smile
Make a concerted effort to replace that half-hearted smile given in politeness with a genuine smile. You can do it. Again, practice makes perfect!

4. Remember… Your Smile Makes You More Attractive
A study of 5,000+ single people recently found that both men and women (58% and 71%, respectively) judge the opposite sex MOST (and FIRST) on the appearance of their teeth. Smiles do invite and strengthen relationships.

5. Your Healthy Smile. Take Good Care Of It!
Treat your smile with the good care it deserves. You’ve already taken a great first step with orthodontic treatment. Remember to always brush and floss daily, and schedule regular checkups with your dentist.

We Love To See You Smile!
Some estimates say that 30% of the general population is so unhappy with their smiles that they avoid smiling altogether. That’s enough to make anyone sad. If you feel that way about your smile, call Horner Barrow Orthodontics today. We can help you unleash the power of your most valuable asset – YOUR BEAUTIFUL SMILE!

Planning for the Cost of Braces and Orthodontic Treatment

For many families in the Sioux Falls area, paying for braces can be a significant investment. That investment can become even larger when multiple family members need braces or orthodontic treatment. Additionally, some types of orthodontics can be more expensive than other types. Understanding the various options for paying for braces can help to remove some of the financial stress.


Insurance is one of the most common methods for paying for braces. It is important to understand that not all dental plans offer coverage for braces, but the right plan can help to defray a significant portion of the cost for braces. In choosing a dental insurance package, it is important to focus on finding a package that specifically covers orthodontists. The precise coverage provided will vary among plans, but many dental insurance plans will help to shave approximately 50 percent off the total cost of braces. In shopping for a dental plan, it should be understood that most plans will not provide coverage if the patient already has braces. Also, some plans require a waiting period, so it is important that you do not wait until orthodontic treatment is necessary. Otherwise, you may find that treatment is not covered or that you need to delay treatment until the waiting period has passed.

Affordable Payment Plans:

The cost of your orthodontic treatment will vary depending on your individual needs and treatment plan. The staff here at Horner Barrow Orthodontics will discuss with you the cost of your treatment and each available payment plan option so that you can make the best choice for you and your smile. We will work with you to create a payment plan that fits your budget, and you will know what to expect before beginning treatment.

For your convenience, we are flexible on our payment plans and we accept payment from insurance companies. Payments are also accepted on Visa and Mastercard. Our staff are happy to assist you and your family whenever possible to choose the best payment plan for you.

As another convenience to you, we offer electronic payments through OrthoBanc Payment Services. Please ask us about this service.

Your smile is yours forever, and at Horner Barrow Orthodontics, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to receive the best orthodontic care whenever you need it.

Common types of retainers worn after Orthodontic Treatment and Braces

Let’s be honest…all orthodontic patients look forward to the day their braces come off or their orthodontic treatment is coming to an end! This means we are 100% complete with orthodontic treatment, right? Well, maybe…

After orthodontic treatment is complete, Dr. Horner or Dr. Barrow may recommend that you wear a retainer for a specific length of time. This retainer will hold your teeth in place while your jaw, gums, and ligaments get used to their new position.

We want to use this post to fill you in on the different types of retainers available, so that you can make an informed decision when the time comes for you and/or your child to have your braces come off and get fitted for your new retainer.

  • Bonded Retainers: These are retainers that are glued to the back (or lingual) of two or more teeth. They are considered permanent because patients can’t take them in and out on their own. These retainers have the advantage of not requiring any cooperation on the part of the patient beyond keeping them clean. Parents never have to ask their kids where these retainers are since these cannot be forgotten, misplaced, or outgrown. Bonded retainers provide the most control of any retainer type.
  • Clear (or Essix) Retainers: The clear (or Essix) retainer is a transparent removable retainer that fits over the entire arch of your teeth. Essix retainers have no metal or wires, very much like Invisalign® clear aligner trays. They can also be used to produce minor tooth movements and can be helpful in prevention of tooth wear due to tooth grinding (bruxism) at night.
  • Hawley Retainers: This is the most common type of retainer. Hawley retainers have a design that consists of wires and clasps embedded in a relatively thick plastic body that covers over the roof of the your mouth or lies along the tongue side of your lower teeth. The clasps grasp selected teeth so the retainer is anchored securely. The retaining “bow” wire arches across the front side of the your teeth and holds and maintains their alignment.

5 Tips for Cleaning Braces

Patients in our office here at Horner Barrow Orthodontics often ask about keeping their braces clean.  Concerns usually involve bad breath, discoloring of teeth, or food caught in their braces.

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind while wearing braces.

  1. It’s just as important to clean the inside areas of your teeth as well as the chewing surface of each tooth. Brush all surfaces inside, outside, along the top of the teeth and the gum line for best results.
  2. The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth for approximately three minutes to do a good job… even if you aren’t wearing braces.
  3. Use dental floss often. Food is often trapped between teeth and flossing with braces is easier with a floss threader, especially when trying to thread the floss under your main wire. Dental floss threaders save time and are very easy to use once you get the hang of it. They are available in the toothbrush aisle in any grocery or drug store in the Sioux Falls area.
  4. Be prepared. In order to brush after every meal you must be prepared. Always keep a toothbrush in your purse, backpack, or laptop case. The TOOB brush was designed with orthodontic patients in mind. It’s easy to use, you can refill it with your own toothpaste, and it travels anywhere.
  5. Regular dental cleanings and checkups are still important. It’s your job to take care of the everyday cleaning. However, we recommend you visit your dentist regularly while wearing braces to eliminate any plaque you may have missed while brushing or using dental floss.